Here are some questions and answers about Holes:  

  • Who was Stanleys Idol? answer: Clyde Livingston.
  • What color were the X's on the shoes? answer: Red.
  • How long hasn't it rained since the curse? answer: 100 years.
  • What is Stanleys last name? answer: Yelnats.
  • Who was the guy bullying stanley in the earlly part of the book? answer: Derrick Dunne
  • What does Mr.Sir always say? answer: This ain't no girl scouts, boy.
  • Who stole the sunflower seeds from Mr.Sir's truck? answer: Magnet.
  • Who was the camp leader of tent D? answer: X-Ray.
  • What is the most dangerous thing you can find at camp green lake? answer: Yellow spotted Lizards.
  • According to Mr.Sir Camp Green lake had the only water for how many miles? answer: 100.
  • According to Mr.Sir what would you be if you ran away from camp green lake? answer: Buzzard Food.
  • What was Stanleys father trying to invent? answer: A way to abolish foot odor.
  • What relationship did Clyde Livingston have with the orphanage? answer: he was an orphan there when he was young.
  • What was Mr.Pendenski's nickname? answer: Mom.
  • What was Barf Bag's real name? answer: Lewis.

I hope these Fun Facts make you want to watch the movie and give you a good idea about what it is about!

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